Welcome statement

Welcome to my blog on the building and sailing of a Goat Island Skiff (GIS). Join us on the Michael Storer Wooden Boat Plans forum or on Facebook, where the community of Storer Boat builders, owners, and admirers share their ideas, experiences, and watery hi-jinx.

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Monday, September 1, 2014

Fulfilling the vision

Or, Mission Accomplished.

Two days after my first GIS outing of the year, I actually played out the exact scenario I had in mind when I first decided to make a boat.  I shoved off from our dock on the Little Lake, rowed north through the channel, under the very low bridge, and into the Big Lake where I stepped the mast, raised the sail and glided away.  I was especially concerned about Chivita's performance and I had to bring her where the weeds don't grow to confirm or deny my theory that weeds fouling the foils caused massive lee helm.  She schooned indeed!

Of course, it was still lake sailing and the winds were on-again, off-again.  But it was such a lovely day and there was plenty of holiday activity.  No other sailboats though :(

I began with one reef tied because I was single-handed

The wind was mild enough for the full sail

Running mostly downwind with board part-way up

30 seconds later, my inelegant gybe

30 seconds after that: what drama?

one more gybe, sans gymnastics

Sometimes you have to sink your teeth into it

Sometimes you just float

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